Creative Direction & Strategy


FUN FACT: Tiny Victories

I am proud to say I planned the only Hallmark cards to feature armpit hair and panda nipples. #tinyvictories

Role: Art Direction

FUN FACT: Damn, that was hard.

It took 9 writers(!) and countless rejected attempts ‘til we landed on the PERFECT copy for this card. I refused to give up on those bangs. Can you blame me?? Bonus, this card became a bestseller, obviously. Lesson: it’s okay to drive your team crazy in the name of sloth love.

You should probably buy a couple of them.

Role: Art Direction and Design

FUN FACT: Rejected cards are the best cards

One of the perks of working with a humor writing staff is that they are really, really, really funny. But most of what they write gets rejected because it’s too edgy, too mean, too not “Hallmark-y” enough, too “probably going to get us sued.”

Good thing we save all that writing and post them on our social accounts!

Role: Art Direction, Design


I have a writing credit in the Hallmark system for an exclamation point. If only Mrs. McKray from freshman English could see me now.

Role: Art Direction and Writing

FUN FACT: Toast and Coffee! Much yes.

While I was a one-woman social media team charged with making endless streams of content, I had to get very scrappy. Using what I could find within 10 feet of my desk, Toast Quotes and Coffee Quotes were born. You’re welcome, world.  And yes, I set off the fire alarm with my toast smoke.

Role: Concept, Art Direction, Design, Photography, Toasting, Coffee Spilling

FUN FACT: Fake Astrology = So Much Fun!

It was a magical day when I figured out how to do our fun horoscope posts for Shoebox. It was even more fun when I figured out that we could sneak a lot of really fun, but not “technically approved” writing into them. Take a screen shot to see what your future, or actually past, has/had in store for you!

Role: Concept, Art Direction, Design

FUN FACT: If the shoe fits…

Sometimes you and your work wife agree, and all is right in the world. And other times you argue over which ridiculous cartoon to plan. I was, and forever am, “Team Sexy Seagull”, and my partner was “Team Hot Air Hare.” Instead of being “professional,” we planned both to see who would get “I told you so” rights. Well, America spoke and “Team Sexy Seagull” took home the W. Those shoes really do make her legs look great.

Role: Art Direction